Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to make the most of life?

You have a “moment” now. You do not have any control on the future. You cannot change the past, but you can decide what you want to do with the present. The “moment” does not depend on any person or any material, it just passes. 

Life has different things to offer to different people. One may have health and wealth, another one may not. One may have all the material comforts, another one may be a begger. How to make the most of your life depends on you and nobody else.

A person can be at peace with himself in any kind of situation only if he decides so. You have to make your mind function according to your wish. This is not easy. It needs practise. If you say to your mind stop wandering and concentrate, mind has to do exactly that. It happens automatically when you are doing some work, but when you are sitting idle or when you are down with illness – you have to have something to think about. Now, you are the person who has to decide what you have to think, when you have nothing to think. If you are spiritual, your choice is to meditate. Well, if you are a materialist, what do you think when you are idle? Do these thoughts bring a momentary happiness or make you feel at peace? You can imagine so many things and get lost in a dream world. But, is that called making the most of your life? Again, it depends on oneself what he wants to do with himself.

The awareness of making the most of a moment itself can make us realise and realign our thoughts and nature. You are alive this moment, who knows, a bomb may blast nearby and you will be dead the next moment. So, make the most of this very moment.

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